Thursday, April 29, 2010

Smells Fishy

Hey hey, I cooked "pepes ikan" this morning. I asked my mom via sms, what the ingredients were. Then, I did an experiment. First thing, grinding the ingredients. You see I have brought wooden "cobek" and "uleg-uleg" the last time I went back here, but it turned out to be difficult to grind anything with those. So, I chopped the ingredients into very small pieces to make it easier. I put them in the plastic bag and smashed them more..hehe. The fish I used was raw sardines (not the one in can which is already seasoned or mixed with tomato/chili sauce), so I had to clean them up. The smell, I couldn't get rid it out of my hands eventhough I applied soap many times afterwards. Since there's no banana leaves, I used aluminium foil. But, anyway, the pepes was super. It tasted really good (I wonder if I could have the same thing for next cooking).
So, I brought one pack plus rice for lunch in campus. First, I had class at 2 - 4 p.m. After the class, I ate my food. I was worried if I ate where I sat (pretty much in the center of the classroom), my friends would be distracted to the smell (I opened the aluminium foil and poured the content in my lunch box, then threw it away in garbage bin near the classroom door). So, I went back on the last row, beside the opening window, and started enjoying my late lunch. I didn't finish it coz the next class has started. Then, I thought I would continue later, before Biometric tutorial at 6 p.m.
Story goes on. Second class I had was at 4 - 6 p.m. At 5 p.m, we had a break for 15 minutes. All of the people went outside to feel the sun shine or eat or whatever, while I was staying alone in the class, focusing with my cellphone, sending sms to Koh Hun Bun. When I was busy texting, suddenly I heard something.
Oh my dear God... There was a big black dog came in to the class. He took something from the garbage bin and stayed right on the door. Oh no! My heart was pounding so hard out of fear. I was so scared, imagining if the dog was coming toward me, what was I supposed to do? There was noone here to help me.
I was afraid to move, coz the sound of the sliding chair might attracked his attention, but if I didn't move, I would pass out if he came closer. I was in dilemma for quite a while. Time was like standing still. I would go crazy if I didn't do anything. So, I pushed myself to stand up and go to my left. I opened the window and sat on the table. Anytime the dog was coming toward me, I really would jump out of the window. I swore.
I thanked God that he didn't do it. But, somehow the sound he made, got me wondering. It seemed that he ate something. Would it be my aluminium foil which had "pepes" leftover in it? Sounded like it. And you know what, it was right! He's eating really that aluminium foil! I could see it was torn apart everywhere. He liked my "pepes" indeed!
Question: is he going to be okay after having such meal? He's my professor's dog, you know. If something
Till now I am still wondering...


Sura Menda Ginting said... don't have to be afraid of a dog, just give it your 'pepes' and it'll be okay...though i doubt of it's health hehehe

Noni Eko Rahayu said...

Oh, you know what, last week I cried in front of my friends because a big dog sniffed me. And at that time I brought chicken pepes in my bag! I think the pepes is dangerous...

Sura Menda Ginting said...

so indeed there is something 'fishy' going on between you and dogs..hehehehe