Sunday, September 11, 2011


Hi, Guys. How have you been? Good? Good.
Yesterday some of Indonesian students were visiting waste processing plant in Goettingen, including me. It's that colorful building which I thought an amusement park every time we passed by, because it was beautiful. In fact, it's the waste processing plant. Amazing, right? Who would have thought? And it's not far, just on the back of Max Bahr.
So, anyway, we went there around 10.30 a.m. Along with other Goettingers, we were taken into a tour, divided by several groups. They also provided playing ground for kids, cafeteria and of course special desk for quiz. The program was in German, so I understood nothing. I mean, I was just following the tour and guessed what they did. Yeah.
One interesting thing is, even though it was beautiful plant, it processed wastes, so it stank. They showed us the biological wastes which processed with biological agents, you know, bacteria and such. The waste water that had been processed then went to the river, it was not for drinking consumption.
One particular place that really was stinky was this place where they processed...human waste. You know what I mean. The toilet waste. And they showed a machine, which like a cupboard but inside there was kind of escalator, loading human waste - toilet paper and poops. Yes, yes. Poops. And it was so vulgar. The shape, the smell... I was like dying and I didn't breath. But you know what, most of the tour members, mostly old people, they didn't even bother to cover their nose. They were just so serious listening to the tour guide. Amazing!
The tour was about two hours, but I didn't join completely. Most of us, Indonesian, then went to kids playground, watching the kids jumping around on bouncy castle. And as always, we were opening our lunch box, especially those mommies, while other people bought food in the cafeteria hehe. Picnic in waste plant. Who would have guessed?
Since I didn't really understand how the plant processed the waste, I couldn't really tell what's the lesson here. Sorry.
But, at least I knew where the toilet stuffs went after we flushed...

Monday, September 05, 2011

Autumn Cleaning

If you are just in my room now, you might think it's a refugee camp. I am doing an autumn cleaning now. Well, actually I am fulfilling a requirement from the apartment management to make the room exactly like when I entered two years ago. White and spotless. Though my due date is the end of the month, but it is better for me to start now, because I just realize how many stuffs I have in this room. It's so many! I thought I was not cluttering, but still...

I have sorted books, clothes and little stuffs. Even so, they are still everywhere! I think I have trapped in consumerism world. My big suitcase is already full, yet a lot of things are still unpacked. Can you imagine how much money I spent for the total stuffs I bought? I should have been wiser...

My biggest problem, I guess, is buying too many clothes. Is it only me or other ladies have this problem too? You know, I always take time to purchase clothes, thinking the necessity, the time, and the budget. After a long discussion with my self, then I decide to buy, or not to buy, the clothes. The defense is I need this clothes for this certain occasion, and I need that clothes for another occasion. It keeps going and in the end too many clothes in the wardrobe, yet the occasions do not happen. Not yet. For uncertain time. And even when the occasion arrives, I am still confused, which one I should wear. This, my friend, is so typical me. Standing in front of the wardrobe for a long time, looking at the hanging or the folded clothes, thinking "Which one, which one..." Come on, man!

Hey, what time is it? I need to get back to work. See you around!

Friday, September 02, 2011


Thesis? Check!
Koh Hun Bun's visa? Check!

And Happy Idul Fitri!