Thursday, August 15, 2013

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1434 H, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin

Dengan segala kerendahan hati, saya memohon maaf atas segala kesalahan dalam ucapan dan perbuatan, baik yang disengaja maupun tidak.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Der erste Geburtstag

Good morning.
Hi, hi. A very good morning indeed. See when I am really busy? I missed to post anything in May! Well, let's say May is a blue month, so I'll keep it myself this time. But, actually there was a shinny moment as well. I had a new niece on 25 May 2013. A gorgeous one. I hope she will be an independent, caring, strong and smart girl. Amen.
Another delightful news is that today is my Twinkle Little Star's day! Some milestones have been reached. Others hopefully will follow. Run, my dear, run! Hm, what can I say. A happy little one makes a happy  mom. It's amazing to witness a tiny human being on the process and on the progress. I still can't believe that I smile from ear to ear just to see her giggle over a yellow hanging star above the crib. Or the way she reaches the lift's button. Or the twinkle in her eyes to see the chicken, alive or cartoon.
So, waving, clapping, dancing, combing, getting down from the bed in correct way, asking for food, recognizing things and people have been on the list. More to go. She needs to be ready for the next level, as a toddler, because soon when she is transferred to the upper class, she will meet the darling chaos. And it can be a jungle.
But, do not worry, my dear. I know you can handle it. You're one tough cutie.Go! Go! Go!

Ahem, now time to be serious.

Dear Twinkle Little Star,
Happy birthday my sweet baby.
My love for you will never end.
Like my mom who would always be there for me,
I will too, always be there for you.
May you be happy, be kind.
Be healthy, be fun.
Be caring, be nice.  
Be smart, be wise.
Be who you are.

Tak gadhang biso urip mulyo,
dadiyo wanito utomo,
ngluhurke asmane wong tuwo,
dadiyo pendekaring bongso.

Monday, April 08, 2013


Yesterday, for two consecutive days precisely, I had bad dreams. And the nightmare actually happened, finally. Well... Somebody can indeed be nobody. The right will be the right, no matter how long it is buried. So will the wrong.

Monday, April 01, 2013

Oh, no!

Oh, I missed the March's posting. Was I too busy or what?
Anyway, happy new month. It's 1st of April. Some people say it's April Mop. I think I will go with April Full (since no red dates in calendar..huff). Tell you what, last Saturday I took Twinkle Little Star to Safari Park in Puncak. The last thing I thought was the possibility of the vehicle made trouble. But it did. And coincidentally, the trouble was pretty much alike with one Koh Hun Bun and I had when we went to Sidoarjo couple years back. You know, the locked doors? Surprisingly, Koh Hun Bun managed to lock (again) the whole door in one swing, while the machine was on. And the car was not even automatic one! How come? Bad luck? Perhaps. We had to stay in the restaurant almost two hours to wait for the locksmith. The locksmith came (we did not know he was already there since we did not know which one the locksmith was), but somehow he went back to his house, and even had eye treatment first in clinic, then did some other business, then he came back to the restaurant. Ironically, he unlocked the car in just five minutes. Huh! 
Other than that, the vacation was great. Twinkle Little Star was amazed by the elephants that she forgot to blink in a long time. Atah...atah! she said. 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Crawly Crawler

Hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey. I have a crawler in the house. Fast and lively. Nice!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Such a bad drama.
Sometimes the one that hurts you the most is the one who is dearly close to you. You won't believe how horrible it feels to stand face to face and directly to be rejected as you have never been as a part of the one's life. All the years of constructing a strong will is not appreciated, not even considered. You are nobody.
When water is thicker than blood, then you are nothing. You are just a name.
Love and stupidity might come in one package. But, for this one I call ignorance and idiocy. Sorry for the words I chose, just can't help it.  
Two wrongs don't make it right. Let's see what happens next.

Friday, February 08, 2013

Hey, February

Hello, hi, hey.
It's February already. Time for ... extending the rent! Huff, finding a house is a bit tricky, especially when you are broke he he he he. Anyway, some people say, finding a house, is like falling in love. You feel it when you see it. I think I have "fallen in love" with this particular house in the internet (kind of online dating huh?), but it is beyond my reach (kind of Romeo and Juliet. Okay, I exaggerate). So, Koh Hun Bun stops me before I place myself into a Desperate Housewife. Living beyond your mean is a no no. Be humble. There are still a lot of people who live in poverty. Be grateful for what you have.
Yes. I know.
But, I still want a nice little house. With the garden, and the library, and the playground, and one hectare of forest.  

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


See the tittle? I am so not it.
When Twinkle Little Star is sick, I am the one who's crying. And loud.