Friday, November 04, 2011


Hi, Guys. How are you? Long time no see, huh?
Well, I am hibernating.
Hey, you know what. Just see the K-Pop fever... Man, it's really something.
I saw those Korean girlbands and boybands, and honestly, I can't tell the difference.
They look the same. Amazing, huh?
Same faces, same styles, same performances. I bet if one of them is sick and other member of other group replaces her/him, I will not notice.
Or is it perhaps I am not teenager anymore that I find this phenomenon is a little bit boring.
Hehehe.. sorry, K-Pop lovers, I mean no harm. Peace!

And the wave of the impact for Indonesian music industry, is also unbelievable.
I am okay with more girlbands or boybands. But lip-sync. It's killing me. Really.
Once again, peace, man, peace!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Hi, Guys. How have you been? Good? Good.
Yesterday some of Indonesian students were visiting waste processing plant in Goettingen, including me. It's that colorful building which I thought an amusement park every time we passed by, because it was beautiful. In fact, it's the waste processing plant. Amazing, right? Who would have thought? And it's not far, just on the back of Max Bahr.
So, anyway, we went there around 10.30 a.m. Along with other Goettingers, we were taken into a tour, divided by several groups. They also provided playing ground for kids, cafeteria and of course special desk for quiz. The program was in German, so I understood nothing. I mean, I was just following the tour and guessed what they did. Yeah.
One interesting thing is, even though it was beautiful plant, it processed wastes, so it stank. They showed us the biological wastes which processed with biological agents, you know, bacteria and such. The waste water that had been processed then went to the river, it was not for drinking consumption.
One particular place that really was stinky was this place where they processed...human waste. You know what I mean. The toilet waste. And they showed a machine, which like a cupboard but inside there was kind of escalator, loading human waste - toilet paper and poops. Yes, yes. Poops. And it was so vulgar. The shape, the smell... I was like dying and I didn't breath. But you know what, most of the tour members, mostly old people, they didn't even bother to cover their nose. They were just so serious listening to the tour guide. Amazing!
The tour was about two hours, but I didn't join completely. Most of us, Indonesian, then went to kids playground, watching the kids jumping around on bouncy castle. And as always, we were opening our lunch box, especially those mommies, while other people bought food in the cafeteria hehe. Picnic in waste plant. Who would have guessed?
Since I didn't really understand how the plant processed the waste, I couldn't really tell what's the lesson here. Sorry.
But, at least I knew where the toilet stuffs went after we flushed...

Monday, September 05, 2011

Autumn Cleaning

If you are just in my room now, you might think it's a refugee camp. I am doing an autumn cleaning now. Well, actually I am fulfilling a requirement from the apartment management to make the room exactly like when I entered two years ago. White and spotless. Though my due date is the end of the month, but it is better for me to start now, because I just realize how many stuffs I have in this room. It's so many! I thought I was not cluttering, but still...

I have sorted books, clothes and little stuffs. Even so, they are still everywhere! I think I have trapped in consumerism world. My big suitcase is already full, yet a lot of things are still unpacked. Can you imagine how much money I spent for the total stuffs I bought? I should have been wiser...

My biggest problem, I guess, is buying too many clothes. Is it only me or other ladies have this problem too? You know, I always take time to purchase clothes, thinking the necessity, the time, and the budget. After a long discussion with my self, then I decide to buy, or not to buy, the clothes. The defense is I need this clothes for this certain occasion, and I need that clothes for another occasion. It keeps going and in the end too many clothes in the wardrobe, yet the occasions do not happen. Not yet. For uncertain time. And even when the occasion arrives, I am still confused, which one I should wear. This, my friend, is so typical me. Standing in front of the wardrobe for a long time, looking at the hanging or the folded clothes, thinking "Which one, which one..." Come on, man!

Hey, what time is it? I need to get back to work. See you around!

Friday, September 02, 2011


Thesis? Check!
Koh Hun Bun's visa? Check!

And Happy Idul Fitri!

Friday, August 26, 2011


Hi, guys.
How are you doing?
It's almost a week since I came out of my room. Literally.
I am cybernating (hibernating and connecting to cyber world - to read literature! How diligent is that?!). Work hard and no play is such a diet. I think I lost one or two grams because of it. But I have to do it, my friend. I have to reach my target, finishing my thesis soon.
The only fun I have is doing Nodame Cantabile fart exercise every morning, to keep my blood circulation going. Have you tried this exercise? Haha, it's not what you think, farting all morning. It is an exercise without passing gas, unless you want it. The song is funny, the moves are hilarious, so much fun. Check it out in you tube and try it for yourself.

Well, anyway, today I am going out. I think the weather is nice. It is really weird summer here. Not so much sun. This past week is dominated by cloud, rain and thunder. But, since I was a cocoon, no big deal. Another reason that I have to go out is that I run out of groceries. Only have four eggs left and that's it.

Dude, if you come to my room, I advice you don't, you will see a mess. This is how the writer works, I mean me. Books, articles, papers are scattered on my table. Empty mineral water bottles are lining on the shelf. My mattress on the floor, my clothes are waiting to be ironed on the bed (yeah, like I will do it). The more I see it, the more I feel disgusted. I have to come to the finish line or this place will be Nodame's room. Conclusion and recommendation, my friend, and one more round from the start, and I am good to go.

Okay, change subject. You know what, I observe myself, and I think I have changed, in term of fashion. Really. I am now more girly and paying attention to details. I know, I know, it doesn't mean that I become such fashionable person (you can take a girl out of a country, but you can't take a country out of a girl), but somehow I feel better. I like the way I look. I think I hit puberty...hmm...

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Spider Solitaire

Summer is coming to an end. Well, here in Goettingen, I actually can't really feel the summer since most of the days are gloomy and raining. But it benefits me anyway, since I have to immerse my self in the thesis land, meaning going out just makes me want to shopping.

By the way, do you play spider solitaire with advanced difficulty? When I am stuck with the analysis thing, I play spider solitaire to cheer me up, energize my spirit. But somehow I get more irritated, since it is awfully difficult. Yet, I can't stop. I need the victory, sweet fulfilling victory!
It has been six days since my last winning, and I am getting annoyed. What a distraction. I have to stop now or the energy for the thesis is eaten by the spider.

P.S. Happy 3rd birthday, Jibrut. I love you...!

Sunday, July 31, 2011


If you see me right now, you might think I deliberately make myself look horrible. Indeed I do.
Doing this thesis thing really ruins my beauty (since when do I have one?). I feel like falling in love (can't eat well, can't sleep well), which is so not like that.
Constant headache, if I may say. Thinking about data analysis and stuffs, reading many articles like I understand what they say (reading about economics and statistic term in Bahasa Indonesia is already challenging, yet this is in English!), trying to be smart in a way when people ask me about what I write I could explain, is so tiring.
Or perhaps it's because I am not that smart. Yes, I guess that's the perfect answer.
Anyway, like it or not, I have to finish this thesis soon. Back me up, people!

P.S. tomorrow starts the fasting month. Happy Ramadhan!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Deep Blue Bruises

How strong can a heart stay
When sunshine is away
The power has run out
Leaving a black out

Broken down
To the very core
No more

How strong can a mind stand
On this winding road of sand
Dried and done
To last one

Deep blue bruises
Drown to pieces

Sunday, May 15, 2011

May I?

Hi, Fellas.
How are you?
There's a lot of things happened to me these past few months that I didn't get the chance to say hi. Well, just say it's up and down in a very dramatic way.
The good news is... I will tell you in the right moment. Be patient.
The bad news is, my dear mother has to deal with this illness that needs a lot of strength, courage and willingness to get through it. Especially for her who is afraid of surgery. We all pray and stand by her side, hoping for her to be strong and get well. This is not easy for all of us, but I really hope we can overcome this test. Amen.
And about my thesis research, I still have to go to some places to get data. Hopefully everything is in schedule.
What a busy month.
Okay, I will not bother you with my things more. There's always some hard times in our life, right? But, everything will be okay. I'm positive about it.
See you around for the good news, my Friends. Stay strong!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hell Weekend: Between Love, Tests and Mess

Hello, Everyone. How's your weekend? Nice? Good.
Tell you what, my weekend was hilarious. I mean hilariously terrible. But it is kind of fun to remember. I never thought that a series of unfortunate events do exist! Day after day. It was so absurd that people might think it was a drama script or something. Reality really is stranger than fiction.

Okay, let me walk you through it.

Last Friday, Koh Hun Bun and I went to Sidoarjo to visit my sister. The main purpose is meeting Jibrut, my beloved niece.
Now, to go to Sidoarjo, we take my father's car. My parents actually wanted to join, but since my dad had to go to Semarang and my mom was having cough, we finally went by ourselves.

Usually, one or two days before going, my father brought the car to the mechanic, to check this and that, making sure the car was okay for long journey. But, at this time, no one did it. So, I guess you get a clue what would happen on the way.

Well, thirty minutes before we're leaving, the car was on strike, couldn't start. Something is wrong with the battery. Strike one! After minutes of pushing and asking for technical support, finally the car was running. We went at about 3 p.m, from original plan at 1 p.m, and by normal travel time we would arrive at 8 p.m. And do you know what time we arrived at my sister's house? 1 a.m. And why is that? I'll tell you why.

We stopped by in a gas station in Gresik before the toll road, for a nature call. Unfortunately, I got some "accident" in the process, I splashed my pants with the water and I needed to get change. I sent SMS to Koh Hun Bun, asking him to bring me stuff, but I got no reply, so I went out to him, with my sour face. He was sitting on the front seat, with the car door open. When I told him what happened and asked him to open the trunk, he got out from the car immediately and closed the door in an instant, forgetting the car key and his cellphone were still inside. Yep. The car was locked and we were outside, staring at the car with agony and regret. You might see, like in the cartoon movies, the writing of "dumb ass" on our forehead and we grew donkey ears on our head. Strike Two!

Alright, be cool. We could figure this out. But how? We're like in the middle of nowhere, this place was far from the village, moreover the town. After small discussion, we talked to one of the gas station attendant (is it correct term? anyway, you know what I mean) - Mas Afandi, asking whether there was locksmith nearby. He said that the security of the gas station, Mr. Syahrul, was the man who could help us. It seemed that he had done some jobs with locked cars before. But we had to wait because Mr. Syahrul would come at 7 p.m. It was about 6.30 p.m when the incident happened.

So we waited...

Since I was not "that patient" with uncertainty, I asked Koh Hun Bun to ask Mas Afandi about Mr. Syahrul's phone number while giving him my cellphone. If we called him earlier, we could ask him to bring a locksmith with him, so we wouldn't waste any more time if he failed to help us by himself. You know what the beautiful thing about a test, it just got harder each phase. Mr. Syahrul said it was difficult to find locksmith in that hour and he asked us just to wait for him. He would be late because his house was inundated by flood (FYI, some parts of East Java was flooded due to heavy rainfall for days. Even on our way there we saw along Bengawan Solo river was inundating rice fields and houses on the river banks).

He arrived at about 7.30 p.m. I began to be more impatient. In that particular day, somehow I had a bladder issue. A perfect timing, isn't it?
This security man checked on our car and tried to open all doors by hand, hoping somehow they would open, but they didn't. He then said would take some tool to open the driver's door. So he went and we waited, again.

Cars, trucks and motorcycles came and went. I didn't know how many of them had left us here. The sky was cloudy and the wind started to blow harder. I sure hoped that the rain wouldn't pour, as a joke to complete our misery. My wet pants, my squeezing bladder, my hungry stomach.

Mr. Syahrul came again after some time, bringing plastic ruler. Yep. The "tool" he had was this plastic ruler which he stuck to the door side, moved it back and forth, tried to get the "click" of the lock. My mind just said that it was not a good idea, the plastic ruler was not strong enough to... then I heard "crack" instead of "click". As I predicted, the plastic ruler was broken and half on it was left inside the door. Great.
He said he would find some other tool. Then the waiting was on again. Longer...

Koh Hun Bun and I were starting to reach boiling point, especially me. My sister and my mom called, asking where we were. I just said we were stopping at gas station, without telling them the accident. We had to keep our pride. Yeah, right.
Since I was so stressed out about going in and out of the toilet in my wet pants, when Koh Hun Bun borrowed my cellphone again, I said no. I didn't mean it, it was just a joke to light me up a little (we usually then have silly arguments and laugh), but he took it seriously. He didn't say a word and just sat.

Mr. Syahrul came with this metal slim stick. A raising hope was on the air. He, Koh Hun Bun and some other men tried again to unlock the door. The stick was bending, not strong enough. Second attempt failed. My hope was crashing on the ground again. The wind was getting crazier. Please, don't get worse...

Time was ticking really slowly. Mr. Syahrul went somewhere again. I didn't know what other tool he brought to save us. My desperate mind yelled that we could break the window with the rock or chair or something. But then imagining the money we had to spend to buy new window and my dad's face, not a good idea.

Koh Hun Bun went to the mushola, to calm his mind, but he came to me after praying with a bit anger on his face. He was a little furious because I didn't lend him my cellphone. Not that he used it for game, but to get the internet access, to google 24 hours mechanics in Gresik to help us. He confronted me. I knew it was my fault, but he should have told me clearly why he wanted my cellphone. And if he asked me again, I would surely give it to him. I was joking at that time.
Anyway, I gave him my cellphone and apologized.

He got this 24 hour mechanic from a website. took a note on the phone number and called. The man's name was Mr. Rendra. Koh Hun Bun then asked him whether he could come to the gas station to help us. Mr. Rendra said he couldn't open the lock, a locksmith would have to do it. Koh Hun Bun asked him if he knew a locksmith and kindly informed to us.
While waiting, in the windy air, Koh Hun Bun walked around after returning my cellphone. I was sitting in front of the toilet, hoping for a miracle. Then I received SMS from Mr. Rendra who gave a locksmith's phone number. I was about to tell Koh Hun Bun, but he was nowhere I could see. Plus, the dust got my left eye and it made it a lot harder to see anything. I was really in my bad mood. Where the heck was he??

It turned out that he was wandering around, trying to find wire or something to open the door. When I gave him the information, he made a phone call to Mr. Djamil, the locksmith immediately. Fortunately, he was willing to come to the gas station. Alhamdulillah...

But then the rain poured so hard and mad like a roaring giant. Just perfect. We had to go into the mushola to keep ourselves dry. But during that time, I still went to the toilet a couple of times with rain pouring down on me. You know, I usually bring umbrella in my bag, almost everywhere, but somehow I left my umbrella in Goettingen, thinking Indonesia is a tropical paradise, where there's a lot of sunshine. I thought rainy season was almost over that I didn't need one. I was completely wrong. The rain didn't seem to stop soon. And my bladder was getting worse, so that I moved from mushola to the toilet area.

It was a long long long wait. Even more dramatic, Mr. Djamil sent SMS, saying that he was not feeling well, there's heavy rain, and suggesting that he would come to the gas station at dawn. Somebody just shot me. I was in my breaking point. I really wanted to cry, but I couldn't. All water in my body was drained by my pee! (Sorry for the language)

Koh Hun Bun asked him again by SMS, kindly made an effort to come after the rain stop coz he felt sorry for me if I had to spend the night in the gas station (I love you, Koh Hun Bun, you understand me). No answer from Mr. Djamil.

It was almost 12 p.m. This was nightmare.

Then the rain stopped. People were coming out. So was Mr. Syahrul. He came again with his assistants, bringing little flash light and a flat stick, this time I didn't know the material, I guessed half metal half plastic, and those men were trying again, again, and again. Failed, failed and failed.

Koh Hun Bun called Mr. Djamil's number, begging him to come. His wife answered, telling Mr. Djamil was on his way. Oh, God, thank you so much.
Our hero came about ten minutes after that. He was an old man with eyeglasses and plastic rain coat. He looked calm and cool. Perhaps he had done this jobs countlessly, so it was a piece of cake. It was indeed an easy thing for him. He took this one big wire out of his motorcycle trunk, bent it a bit, stuck it to the back seat door behind driver, pushed a little, bent some more and voila.... the door was open! Less than 5 minutes.
I clapped my hands. Seriously, I gave him my standing ovation.

Heroism is perhaps free, but skill had its price. We had to pay him a bit higher for his service and his willingness to come this long way. His house was about 10 km from the gas station, you know. For Mr. Syahrul, we also gave him a little something for his effort.

Long story short (not really), we arrived at my sister's house about 1.30 a.m. Bushed and tired we didn't make chit chat, just straight to the bed and slept. We woke up at 9 a.m in the morning. This day was a great day. We got to play with Jibrut. A whole day babysitting since my sister was sick. I really enjoyed it.
In the evening, we went to Surabaya and spent the night there. The next morning we would go to the mall and went back to Sidoarjo. Nothing went wrong, we thought. But fate, I mean this car, had its own way to test our guts some more.

We went to Royal Plaza. Just when you thought everything was wonderful, suddenly the car blew up when we parked! I was so shocked to see the smoke came out of the cap with the loud hiss. My God, what happened? Get out of the car, get out of the car! shouted Koh Hun Bun. I grabbed my bag and went out. The water was already on the floor, dripping from the car. It was like the car was going to have a baby. It looked like the radiator was leaking. Strike three!
The machine was to hot to touch and no mechanic available around, we decided to go to the mall first while waiting for the car to cool down.

We bought radiator coolant. Koh Hun Bun filled it in the tank, but it was not enough so he went back to buy some more. Next plan was to go to my sister's house and called mechanic from there. It was almost 2 p.m and we hadn't had lunch.
You know, life is what happens when you're making plan. Just a few kilometer from the mall, the dashboard showed red mark "check gages", which generally means "Stop or the car will explode". We were in Jl. Raya Wonokromo, just before the bridge, in hectic traffic, and we had to stop. Koh Hun Bun went out, asking for mechanic around, leaving me inside the car, alone, with a lot of people staring, coz our position was a bit disturbing the traffic. He came a few minutes later, moving the car backward without starting the engine. With this big car, you surely need a strong arm to move the steering wheel. He was sweating, yet still calm. Luckily there was a mechanic near by and the way to go there was downward.

His name was Mr. Tris. He had this small mechanic shop, not convincing, but that's the only shot we had. He checked the radiator. The radiator tube was leaking. This car was an old car and the stuffs inside it are deteriorating, frankly. The tube was already patched, and this time it couldn't stand any longer. Mr. Tris tried to fix the problem. With only additional-custom made-cheap tube and glue he bought from the kiosk nearby, my expectation was not high.

About an hour later, we went again. With the eyes always checking on the dashboard panel, we wished we could get home safe and sound. By the way, I called my mom, telling the breaking news and she was speechless but then laughed. My dad too. You see, when things are overwhelming, any negative emotions sometimes seem useless, so laughter was a very wise choice.
One funny fact: when the car run slowly, the temperature was increasing, but when we were racing, it went down. So, when we were stuck in traffic, we went crazy.

Anyhow, we arrived at my sister's house safely. But, going back to Blora later on in the evening at 7.30 p.m, would be another adventure.
No one knew whether the car would survive. And no one knew, at least us, that there was a traffic jam in Gresik due to flood. Yep. Total jam, no moving cars. Long line of queue. If we continued waiting, we wouldn't know when the road was open. So, Koh Hun Bun decided to take the alternative route, through Tuban, which mean longer journey.

If it was just longer journey, not a problem. A big mess when you suddenly being awaken and found out that the car was smoking in the middle of nowhere. Somewhere in Lamongan, the radiator thing was acting up again and we had to stop. With drizzling rain and only two bottles of water available for the radiator, the future was blur.

After filling in the water, we started the engine again. Next step was to find gas station or mosque to ask for more water. We found Puskesmas and Koh Hun Bun brought two bottles and one tank of water with him. I was already in half state. I was tired and very sleepy. I felt sorry for Koh Hun Bun who always stayed strong and being the man, while I was helpless chick who couldn't do anything except standing by his side, doing small stuffs. I was really proud of him.

You know what time we arrived in Blora? 3.30 a.m. We came in glory but exhausted to the bone. One conclusion to this hell of a journey is that my dad should buy another car. A much much better one.

P.S. For the people mentioned above, thank you for your help. We really appreciate it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy Two Point Three...!

The sun is shining for me....!
For 24 hours my heart was on the ocean, attacked by fear and worry. The exam result was already in. This one particular exam which dragged me into desperate land. Ecopedology! I was so afraid to see my grade. If it really sucks, am I able to deal with the pain. Oh, dear, my heart was pounding really hard. Please, spare me, don't throw me to the gloomy island again. This is my last chance!

Then there it was...
Yes! Yessss! Yesssssss!! I made it!
Thank you....thank youuuuu...........!

(Pretty dramatic, isn't it? Yes, it is. I exaggerate this moment, I admit. But hey, having this "killer" exam was beyond thrilling after failing. Yep, ladies and gentlemen. I failed my first exam and it was really painful. I have to gather my strength and courage to tell myself that it's not the end of the world. There's always a second chance :))

P.S. On Thursday I will go back to Indonesia for master thesis..yippee! And just found out that d i a is now on the 5th print. Yaaay!

Wednesday, March 02, 2011


I went to my master thesis supervisor yesterday. And we discussed about my proposal. Just realize it, that every time he explained something, I wanted to answer with "yes", but somehow, my mouth said "nggih" (Javanese term for yes). And not only once...
But I think he understood.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Leather Weapon

Here's the thing.
I went to the city this morning and lured (by myself) into the bag shop. And you know what, I bought a leather bag!
Oh, how can I resist, it's 75% discount. And for such price, it's really tempting. This beauty could be gone tomorrow, unless I had it first.
Alright, alright, it's maybe just a lame excuse. Blame me for being occasional impulsive shopper. I blame PMS.
No. Actually, it's just this urge to reward myself after working so hard finishing report and dealing with other works.
Another excuse (rolling eyes).
Hey hey hey, don't judge me. I have second reason for my action. My friends owe me money, and the amount is more or less the bag's price. So, in a way, financially, it's not really an expenditure, see? I mean, the money in the account will be the same when they pay it, right? Don't shake your head, just nod!
Okay okay. Why don't I just cut my expense in other section to make up to this. I will not buy snacks or chocolate anymore for a month. Just the daily meal. Satisfied?
Hmm... but I need snacks and chocolate...
How about not buying clothes anymore? Great deal, right? I can do this. I think.

Friday, February 25, 2011


Oh, so sleepy.
Finishing report, making proposal, scheduling appointment. What a busy life.
I like it... though a bit exhausting, especially in this cold weather. Wonder when winter ends....
Anyway, today I cook cah kangkung, fried chicken, fried soy bean cake, and mushroom crackers. I eat a lot... yum yum!
Let me tell you something. Lately I am dreaming about having leather bag. Browsing those bags in on line shopping and in the city, not getting the right one yet. Turns out that there's no cheap leather bag, even though it's already discounted. Painfully my eyes are always drawn to the expensive one because its cute shape and color. Really annoying.
Oh, well, I just need to wait for a miracle, for a very big discount for it.
But I don't think that will happen. So... keep dreaming. It's free anyway.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fun Project

Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen.
How are you today? Reporting live from Goettingen, the weather is nice today, without snow but minus seven. And I'm still having a jetlag. Great.

So, yesterday was all the way sleeping day. I couldn't event remember the time I was awake or sleeping. After a long journey from Bogor to Goettingen (let me inform you, 3 hours bus riding from Bogor to SoeTa airport, 6 hours waiting in the airport, 8 hours flight from Cengkareng to Dubai, 5 hours transit, 7 hours flight from Dubai to Hamburg, and 2 hours in train to Goettingen), I can't feel my bones. So tired and cold, man. Imagine, 30 degree celcius to minus something. I believe my body is struggling to adapt this temperature, with the help of room heater, warm pants, double shirts and jacket, plus warm socks, and blanket.

Man, I am so starving. I don't have much food in my room (I kind of evacuated them before leaving for Bogor in early January), but good thing my friend invites me for lunch today. Thank you, Anju.

Sunday in Germany is gloomy day coz no stores open, so I couldn't do groceries. I have to wait till tomorrow. But at least I could shop online the jacket I want (Oh, my illness of consumerism. I really need to be cured. Help!).

Okay, let me tell you about the thing I did this last three weeks.
As you know, my class had a field project and it is in Gunung Walat, Sukabumi. This forest is an educational forest of Faculty of Forestry IPB. Since I was the only Indonesian in this group, so automatically I became sort of the "mother" of these 13 "adult" children. I was so happy and grateful that Koh Hun Bun helped me a lot in arranging some things (especially transportation stuff) while we were in Bogor. Otherwise, I was doomed. Love you, man!

In short, we had new year's eve in Dubai, hardly felt it. Just the chill of the air conditioned area and lack of sleep. So new year was just waiting for boarding. Then hours later we arrived in SoeTa airport, around 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Doing this and that (exchanging euro to rupiah, finding place to eat, helping people to find rest room ect), then we took DAMRI to Bogor. First, I thought everyone would (still) be excited to see the face of Jakarta in a glance, but everyone was sleeping until we reached Baranangsiang. We booked guesthouse Landhuis in IPB Dramaga campus and we went there by angkot. Oh yeah, those foreign people had to taste the delightful bumps and honks of angkot of Bogor. Not to mention the traffic. Marvelous.

Anyway, we "rented" 3 angkot (Koh Hun Bun kept the driver's phone number so anythime we wanted the service, we just made a call) and we went to the guesthouse. To tell you the truth, it was also my first time to IPB Dramaga, so I was as lost as them.

The next day, we went to Botanical Garden. Such a lovely day. My friends were becoming target of interview by the students there...hehe. They were surrounded and asked so many questions, and pictures of course. What a celebrity life.
January 3rd in the morning, we went to campus and made a presentation about what we would do in Gunung Walat forest for 3 weeks. In the afternoon, we moved to Gunung Walat, which theoritically only 2 hours from Bogor, but practically was 4 hours. The traffic was just hectic, man. After all these years, I now realize that some places in Indonesia is really, I mean really really, overpopulated. Dude, so many people and so many vehicles. Comparing it to Goettingen, it's like chess vs football game. Quiet vs Riot.

Anyway, when we arrived in Gunung Walat (the road to go the basecamp was just up and down, sharp), the staffs welcame us with a very nice dinner, music and luggage assistance. Really nice. Just from the first impression, I thought we would love to be in this place.
And you know what, we did loved staying there. The people in the management were really helpful, the students were always available to help and the food was magnificent. Good thing was, my friends, regardless their previous diet, they enjoyed the meal. Some were even too enjoying (four to six chicken per meal, that's wow...hehe).

To summarize the days we had in Gunung Walat, I'd tell you that it was full of works, fun, tiresome arguments (hey, living for 3 weeks with different characters could be a soap opera, man), and growing friendship. I had some hard time too, as the mother goose, meeting all demands was not easy and sometimes I reached my patience limit. Sorry about that. But all in all, we were all okay.
At least most of us got a chance to have vacations (Jakarta tour, Safari park trip and Pelabuhan Ratu beach). Oh, happy days.

Last January 27th, we were again in IPB campus to do a presentation about our results in Gunung Walat. It was a great presentation (I was one of the three presenters, eventhough my English was scattered, ahem) and everyone seemed so enthusiastic about it. Hopefully our works contribute something to the development of Gunung Walat Educational Forest, and let the coorperation continues in the future. Amin.

Well, that's all I can tell in general.
We will miss the moments of Gunung Walat (especially the farewel party when everyone shaked their bodies for the whole night, dangdutaaaaan...!)
Thank you for all who makes this field work runs really well.

Okay, now I am really starving. I will get ready to Anju's apartment (drooling already imagining food). See you again, my friends.