Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Pinky Story # 3 Sneak Peep

When my grandma visited my boarding house, the Pinky house, her first statement was "This house has no fence, what if a rapist comes in? And look in the back, there's male boarding house right on the side, what if those men jump in to this house and rape you girls? There's no landlady or maid here, you girls live on your own, it's so dangerous."

Whattt???? She didn't worry about the thieves, robbers, con men, or even run away prisoners, but rapist. Right.

It never occured to our mind that such crook might be around. Could it? Really?
Thanks God we were perfectly fine till we left Pinky house. No such incident.

But, we did have a problem with one guy in the back boarding house. We called him "Si Gondrong".

Pinky house was kind of open house. It had the main house and some rooms on the side of the main house. In between was just open space, quite large, where we usually hung out and did some activities. There was an open second floor for drying laundry on the back which became the border with another boarding house, that male boarding house. And of course as a crucial spot, we went there a lot. The coincidence was, the male boarding house also had laundry-drying spot right across ours. So basically when we dried our laundry and they did too, we could see each other clearly. Or when those guys were on laundry-drying spot, they could see us if we were at the open space (sweeping the floor, having chit chat while doing house chores there, entering the rooms, lawn mowing ect).
Since some of us wore veil, we had to hide if we saw one of those guys at the laundry-drying spot (we wore casual outfit if we were in the house). We survived pretty well, though sometimes got caught for a glance before we actually had time to hide.

The problem was, there was one guy (Si Gondrong, or course) who was kind of interested more and more to catch us running. I didn't know when it started but we saw him staying on that spot more than others. When we gathered and had great conversation, suddenly we heard chuckle. And when we looked above he was there (wraaaaghhh... then we ran like rabbit). When we cleaned the house suddenly we felt that someone was watching, and it was right. He stood there, smiling and staring at us. Even when we went upstair to dry the laundry, he would know and immediately came out and stayed there to see us. He then tried to make comment, or tease.

His presence became a plague and we felt uncomfortable to be around in the open space, worrying he might peep on us. We didn't have that sort of issue before (the other members on that boarding house were polite guys and ever bothered us) and he ruined our routine.
I remember one day I dried my laundry, I didn't wear my veil at that time, and somehow he knew my presence then he stayed on spot. Not only stayed but also made effort to see across. I saw his head leaned to catch the glimpse. I had to stick and flat myself to the wall like spiderman to avoid his reach. Worst thing, it happened for a quite long time with the hot sun shone right to me that you could boil an egg on your head. I was glued to the wall, sweating, cursing and he just stayed there, made some noise drawing attention. That crazy Gondrong!

His friend ever said that si Gondrong wanted to know us that's why he did such thing, what a lousy excuse. Peeping was certainly not a good way to introduce youself, right?

Surprise surprise. When we had already branded him as "abnormal disease", we had to leave Pinky house to move to another boarding house since it would be sold. Guess where we lived? Next to his boarding house, right on the side, only separated by wall. Again. Huh.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Pinky Story # 2 The Ghost of You

Last night I watched "Alone" alone. Guess what, I swicthed my player off before the film ended. Lately I kind of "feel" something. Maybe it's just me.

First night at Pinky house I couldn't sleep well. I had a list to do for my campus initiation. But there was another thing that shocked me to my throat.
The sound of spooky little bells! I still had a thought stuck on my mind, a story that I heard when I was a little girl. My friend said when you heard the sound of little bells, it meant that there was a living skeleton walking around your house.
My heart was pounding really hard imagining that horrible creature passing by my room. What got my nerve was that sound sometimes dissapeared and sometimes could be heard again. What did the ghost want? Dry my blood?

Being tortured by the sound, I decided to face my fear. I made up my mind to go out and see the living skeleton itself. So when I heard the sound from the distance I went out.
There was a light and the ringing sound came closer... my knees started trembling. Okay... I was ready to pass out nicely.

Then the truth was revealed. One moment you were scared to death, the next moment you couldn't stop laughing. I suddenly felt that I was so silly.
You know what "the ghost" really was? Sate Madura vendor!
Yes. The vendors used a boat-like cart and put some little bells on the wheel axis to let their precence known by customers. What a silly fear indeed. Hahaha.

After knowing that, I wasn't afraid anymore. I was even happy when I heard that sound coz I liked sate Madura!

First fear was out. Next one was awaiting. Well, it's not a fear. It's just weird experience. One night, almost dawn actually, I was awake when I overheard something. A sound of gamelan. Really? In this hour?? Who would play that??
I listened carefully to that sound, making sure that I wasn't dreaming. Yes, it was gamelan. I wondered how dilligent Jogja people were, rehearsing this early. Then I wasn't sure...
I told some people about this experience and they said that it was a common thing for newcomers when they heard such thing. It meant that they were welcome and they would feel Jogja as their home. Wow...

True or not, believe it or not, I do feel Jogja as my second home and I did live there for years.

Pinky house didn't give me horrifying experience in term of "the other world", but my friends did experience that. A friend of my boarding house friend had an ability seeing "things". He said that there was "an old man" living in this house, on Rambutan tree particularly. He was okay. Meant that he didn't like to disturb the residents. Good for him. Us. Whatever.
Yeah, no one wanted to be disturbed, especially by transparent creature.

But, what my other boarding house friend experienced was pretty thrilling. She had that kind of ability to see things too, but most of the time she met the dark ones. I remember one day she ran from the bathroom and entered my room, shaking. She was still wet in her towel. She said that she saw "a man" in the bathroom, on the wall.
Okay, who could believe that when it happened at noon? But, she was really pale and shocked.
Another day she said that that night she was forced to leave her bedroom by a demonic creature. It shook her bed and asked her to go. It wasn't a dream coz she was awake at the moment.
Then again, I didn't really believe it nor ignore it. That world is beyond my senses to see. And somehow I hope that I won't meet it personally. No, thank you.

But, we do feel when something is different sometimes. We get the goosebump, feel the chill. Actually we have the "device", just not improved or maybe we don't want it improved. Like one time when my boarding house friends and I tried to look for a house to rent. When I entered a house in Karangwuni, especially on the well and kitchen...suddenly I felt the shiver and my heart said "I'm not gonna live in this house". So when my friends asked my opinion I just said "NO WAY." Maybe we can call it instict or conscious or sixth sense. Whatever we name it, it helps us to decide what's good for us.

Sling shot.
I was quite mischievous, you know. I had long hair up to my back and one night I made a prank on my friends. There were three girls (Ely, Danik and Lia) in Ely's room. They were having a nice conversation when I suddenly showed up on the window, with my long hair covering my face. I just stood still until they realized being watched and when they saw the figure with such hair, they thought I was a ghost and they scream to their hearts content then covered themselves with pillows. And I laughed so hard. Gotcha!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Wind of Change

Come on, men. Nothing last forever. (Guard, The Emperor's New Groove)

You know, when we have been comfortable with some conditions or people we might be reluctant to face a new atmoshere. But, certain circumtances happen for some reasons. That we have to grow. That a change is one healthy way to learn a new thing. Though it's a bit hard sometimes, but we can get through that eventually. I think I need to build a system that makes me possible to be a bender.

My superintendents in my division move to another division. I'm missing them, you see. I've been here for 10 months and I feel really fine with the office atmosphere. There will be new ones coming and somehow I feel that I have to make a greater effort to reach the same level of convinience like with the last ones. I know I can do that and I have to do that, but for today let me "grey" for a while, okay?

The silly me often hope that nothing is gonna change, not with the friendship not with the relationship, not with the bond. But reality shows different color. People change, the world changes. It's something that we can't stop. There is no such everlasting happiness nor sadness. Thing will finally end. They may come back one day, but then end again in another day.

Life is steps. Once you finish with one you do another one.

# Happy 62nd Indonesian Independence Day

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Say No to Drugs

Look at me in my bad self. Uuu...I'm a crumbling canyon wall and I'm taking you with me. Well not today, pal. Uh huh..uh huh...uh huh...uh huh..! (Kuzco, The Emperor's New Groove)

Afternoon, dude. What a bright sunny day.

Celebrating 62nd Indonesian Indepence Day Anniversary my office conduct some events. What we have this morning were two lectures about work ethos and drugs elucidation. Some time in the middle the committee drew doorprizes (and I didn't get it...and maybe never will. I'm so not in the space of such luck. Two people in my division got TVs, man).

The first elicidation was just so so. The power point was not so interesting and a bit hard to read in such distance, specially with the gloomy background and font choice. But, the second one, the drug information was nice. There were some illustrations and fragments of people using different drugs, kind of drugs, maps of drug trade, the effects and cause of drug problems, ect.

I like that presentation because I get some new information. Perhaps you have known about some of the stuffs I'm talking about, but maybe some others haven't, so information won't cost you anything, right?

Drugs - in Indonesian term is NARKOBA consist of 3 element: NARkotika, psiKOtropika, BAhan aditif lainnya. Most of them come from overseas (except GANJA which naturally grow in Indonesia - NAD). Our country right now has become very potential market target and even in recent finding has become a site for production.

It is said that the users in Indonesia reach more than 3 million people, and most of them from age 15 - 25 years old. Oh yeah, we can picture that we're dealing with a very serious problem since those users are our next generation. The drugs have reached younger ones; low, middle and high class society; respected or ordinary people; career women or housewives; a celebrity or a bump; all kind of people you can mention. We are all on the verge of being "paralyzed" by drugs.

A point that we have to be aware of is that drug matters improve as technology progress. The users themselves also create new innovation to get to the level they want. The latest issue there are some cases of some teenagers who are addicted to "home made" drug (latex from sukun leaf and papaya, dried nutmeg). Whoa...creative yet destructive, huh?

Some people misuse medicine or nature products and turn to addict. This reminds me of a Korean TV series "Jewel in The Palace", which in one of the episode told that in medical world poisonous and medicinal herbs or ingredients shouldn't be distinguished clearly because at one moment the poison could become medicine and otherwise. Yeah, it's like the saying, it's not the gun but the man behind the gun. The nature provides enormous potential and products, how wise we use it that's the question.

Hm...such a serious talk. I think I end it now before I become starving..

Monday, August 13, 2007

I like Monday

Hey, Lord of the flame, your tail's on fire... (Manny, Ice Age)

Morning, dude. Genki desu ka.

Monday is not always my favorite day (especially because of the holiday lag), but it's a good day to start the whole week, so I like it.

The lady beggar on the railway doesn't show up, as always. Somehow she doesn't like Monday so she picks that day as a holiday. Or maybe on that particular day she assembles meeting with her colleagues presenting some new strategies to improve their performances. She did make an improvement, you know. First time I saw her, she was in her post (open fence to Palmerah railway station, east side) alone. Couple months later she brought a baby with her. This past few weeks she has two more little kids. Is it the strategy or she's just doing a favour for her colleagues, babysitting. I don't ask her, so I don't know. What I know is, she stays in that fence-post until afternoon. By night she'll move to Ramayana Palmerah, right on the last stair. Doing the same thing, of course. Babysitting...

Today I bring something for her. Since she's not "at work", I have too keep it first (I knew it's her day off, but still I gamble. Who knew she might change her schedule). I don't know if it's even meaningful, but I hope it will be useful.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Pinky Story - Episode # 1 Intro

What doesn't kill you make you strong ( a line in some movies)

Once upon a time in Blora (really classic, huh?), in the afternoon exactly, there was a girl who stood by the door mumbling about her future (that was me). "Mom, will I be able to enter the state university?" I asked my mom. "Yes. My feeling said that you'll be in," said mom. Guess what, less than a minute she said that, a postman came and handed me a letter from Gadjah Mada University (this might sound like a fiction scene for you, but it's true, man. Miracle indeed happens once in a while). It was said that I was accepted at Gadjah Mada University, Faculty of Forestry majoring Forest Product Technology. Yaaaay!

I was so ready to leave the house, man. Imagined having my own room (all my life at home I shared room with my sister and my brother) and how I would decorate it gave me a thrill. I was going to fly!

Some days after that my dad took me to Jogja (I hadn't been to Jogja, nor he had) and asked my uncle help to accompany us. My uncle lived in Klaten. I was quite stressed up with the papers stuff and the fact that I would be living alone (it was fun when first time I imagined but then I got chickened out), so it gave me high blood pressure..hehehe. Not that high actually...just higher than normal. Same thing.

I was fortunate coz I had already had a friend who lived in Jogja earlier. She passed the PMDK test and got herself a boarding house. I asked her whether there's another room available and there was. I lived next to her room then. This friend of mine was Leny Yuliati, a very brilliant girl. She's one of the smartest people in this world. Made me wonder what she ate that she could understand all those carbon chains, freaky math calculations, and all other stuffs that gave me goosebump at school. You rock, Len!

This boarding house would be called Pinky House later. The house that I lived for some wonderful years. The house that taught me very valuable lessons and experiences. The house that gave me true friends. The house that was named "Disaster" as well...

First Issue: GHOST

to be continued....

Friday, August 10, 2007

Why do I use English? Why not

Happy Birthday, Mom! I love you so much...

Hi, dude (it's my habbit to call you dude). Maybe you wonder why I use English in my blog...or maybe you don't care...he he. Well, tell you what, don't bother. Whatever the language I use, as long as it can put a smile on people face (my own face in case no one reads) or at least light a little spark...that'll do.

I feel ackward now. Like making your first line for your report/thesis...kill you with the numb on your head. What am I gonna write? First word is always the hardest. You think and you think but you can't find the perfect word to start. And in the end you're just staring at your computer, frozen, until a wonderful idea comes up. Play Bounce!

Talking about Bounce, I thought I was so great in playing Bounce. I could reach 1,000,000 points (with tremendous effort, staying up all night. I believed I forgot to blink that moment just make sure the bomb didn't explode. It felt so good when I did it. Oh, victory, you're just so sweet...). I was very proud like winning an Oscar (excuse me?). I even bragged... Until I saw the score in my friend's computer the next week. More than 5,000,000! What???

The ball bounced on my head. I didn't like it, you know, the defeat. I knew I could do better. I knew I could beat that person (in Bounce, literally). So, I played again, with the goal reaching up to 6,000,000! Guess what happened? The bomb exploded at 120,000 and it didn't get higher than 300,000 after days of battle. I felt a little bit frustated. Why? Why couldn't I be the best? (screaming)

I get the answers later. First, when you focus on defeating people, you're actually defeated, by your own envy, disatisfaction and anger. I should defeat the game, right? Not the person. People are not enemy. Bad characters and bad system are the enemy.
Second, there're millions of people in this world. If everyone wants to be number one, who's gonna be number two? Some people are better than others, we have to admit that. Maybe it's not our spot, so what? But it doesn't mean that we can't be number one, of course. We just have to figure out what field that we can have to be the best. Blue Ocean Strategy.
I believe each and everyone of us is gifted a special thing by Allah, so be special then.

Whoaa......was that me who said those things? (GUBRAKK!!) I suddenly get a headache...

This thing doesn't match with the title, eh? I guess so...Maybe the person who's writing this is not in the right dimension (whispering)

Hey, are you talking about me?? Scraaaaam!

Werrrrrr!!!! (sound of people running away in 100 mph speed avoiding the monster, Noinzilla)

*Signing out*


But but, dude, how do you know when they're ready? (Marlin - Nemo's dad)
Well, you never really know. But, when they know, you'll know, you know? (Dude Crush)

Such a lousy opening, huh? I have no idea what I'm talking about n_n