Friday, March 31, 2017

Coming Soon... E-Book DIA and SEMPURNA

Dear Friends,
After waiting in a while (due to technical issue, aka mail was "lost in piles of documents in my hometown"), finally I signed the contract to publish DIA and SEMPURNA in E-Book version. I am so excited :).

Another news, I will be joining Indoreadgram on 23 April 2017, a voluntary program to donate my books - signed by myself, for you to read while commuting by train. You can also join the program and donate books you recommend. Kindly check Indoreadgram instagram account to get further detail on the information of the program (@indoreadgram.
Perhaps I will see you in the event ;).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Halo kak,apakah novel sempurna ada kisah selanjutnya kak
Bagus banget novelnya kak,cerita dan alur ceritanya menarikk kak
Sampai menyayat dihati kak,seperti ada dikehidupaan nyata kisah dinovel sempurna kak
Aku berharap bisa bertemu kakak,sehat selalu dan sukses selalu buat kakak