Monday, March 01, 2010

Wind Wind Solution

Do you hear that?
That's the sound of the wind.
It's been hours and it's not stopping. Whistling so hard.
The trees outside my apartment are beaten up by it.
It is said that beginning and ending of winter season marked by that crazy wind.
So, I guess spring will be coming soon, which is great.
But, the better the weather is, the more dogs are coming out, which is not great. Definitely not great.
Anyway, tomorrow I'll be going back to Indonesia for semester break...yipeeee..! I've been in Goettingen for 7 months already. Time really flies, right?
Wish me luck and safe journey, man.
See you soon.


De said...

Welcome back to Indonesia

Septa Mellina said...
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Septa Mellina said...

Hi Mba Nonier. Aku Septa. Salam kenal yah.

I have read your novel, "Dia". I was blown by the story! Jalan ceritanya seru lho. Bahasanya seringkali cukup sastra (i love it!) tapi gak jarang juga ada bahasa sehari-hari yang ringan. Dan aku suka dengan beberapa kata-kata nyeleh di bab-bab akhir, mula dari Pangeran Kodok sampai istilah Dejanufikasi... Lucu, Mba..

Ohya, dapat inspirasinya darimana?? Btw, boleh aku link blog-nya ke blog aku??

Noni Eko Rahayu said...

To Tiurta,
Hi, salam kenal juga. Makasih udah baca "dia".
Silahkan kalo mau nge-link blognya :)
Inspirasi "dia"..dari mana ya? Nggak tau euy, mengarang indah aja..hehe

Septa Mellina said...

hi mba nonier thanks yaa.. sip aka aku link blognya..

Ohya, silakan berkunjung juga ke