February has come. Valentine day is approaching, but that's not what I am looking forward to. I am waiting for 11 February where I can see my precious one on the screen. Since few weeks ago it has been demonstrating active gestures, which are getting stronger each day. Really love that moments.
Anyway, I am gaining more and more weight. That "slim" body was just a memory now. I wonder when I can fit into those clothes anymore. I don't think it's going to be soon. No problem, I'll catch up.
At least I have a will not to be too overweight. I walk every morning to my office, for vitamin D and a little bit of sweat. Well, actually it's not merely because I need to exercise, but part of it because I can't cross the street to get to the angkot! This particular street in the rush hour is just like never ending marathon. And motorcyclists even use the pavement for their new road. Outrages. It's so much different with the situation in Goettingen, where bicyclists and pedestrian have their own path and privilege to be respected. When oh when my country will come to that level...