Thursday, October 06, 2016

New Idea

Hi, Guys. How are you today?
I am currently joining a yoga class for beginner. And dear, oh, dear! All the movements in gymnastic class that I hate when I was still in school are coming back to destroy me. I am really inflexible. I still cannot touch my toes, kiss my knees, sit up and push up. My body hurts for three days after a class. Yet, I will not give up.
Nor I will not give up to write a new script. Actually I have finished a script and sent it to an editor. The review was dense and I needed to make some major changes. Many changes.
So, I haven't touched that script again. Sigh...
I need to calm down first, to get a fresh perspective. Or to get a new perspective by writing a new script (at this moment, it is still in the brainstorming phase). Or to have a new project :).
The last option is likely to be selected. It has something to do with my other hobby, which is drawing. I will draw pictures and share the with you :).
Hope you might enjoy them.

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