Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy New Year!

2012 is here. How's your last night? Merry?
I couldn't sleep. Not that I celebrate new year's eve somewhere until dawn. It's just difficult to close your eyes when the fireworks, traffic and horns were that loud, especially when you live near big four junction. Oh yeah, last night was heaven. Kidding.
You know what, as far as I remember, I never celebrate new year's eve, at all. Somehow I don't get the point of celebrating it. Yeah, so it's the beginning of new era, so what? I need to get some sleep.
I am no fun, huh? Hehehe... Well, everyone has different preference, so I guess it's okay to light fireworks, blow the horns, march on the street, but also is fine just to stay at home.
Hm, that reminds me of something. What kind of day that I celebrate then? Birthday? Not so much. Graduation? Not really. Achievement? I couldn't really remember. I think we, my family, are the kind of mild personality type. Not too excited, yet not too dramatic, but always grateful.
Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful year ahead. Lots of happiness and achievements. And when we experience low tides, just hang in there and be strong. Get up and keep on moving forward. Ganbatte ne! Semangaaaaaaaaaaaaat....!

P.S. The fourth month will be my 3rd novel launching, hopefully. Wish me luck!

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